A couple of guys came into the store the other week. I happened to be down there in front with Sharon. Of the Roswell Space Center that is. Usually I'm in the back, which is Signs Of Life, upstairs in my hidey-hole designing or cutting vinyl or tripping on the internet or something.
Anyway, these two guys were from Associated Press. Tim Korte from Albuquerque was the reporter & he had a little notepad & a pencil, just like like in old black & white movies. The other fellow was the photographer, I didn't get his card so I don't remember his name. He had this totally kick-ass camera, a Canon that looked like a 5x7 SLR, but it was digital, of course, with this huge lens sticking out of the front of it. He had another one hanging behind his back it turned out. But of course.
So Mr. Korte gets us talking about the upcoming UFO festival that happens here on the 4th of July weekend (Sharon & I were on the UFO festival committee for 6 years, that's a whole 'nother story), the Roswell tourist trade, & the announced plan for a UFO themed amusement park here.
He's doing 2 stories. He's already done the one about the theme park.
The other will be about the festival & attendant tourist trade, it will happen later.