Okay, the snow is from a few weeks earlier, but it looks right.
Sharon cooked up a delicious ham dinner, cleared all the tools & screws & brackets & whatnot off of the kitchen table & we sat down at it & ate a meal for the first time. At the table, I mean. Just the two of us.
She's also been making chocolate candies to give out as gifts. Here's what she made for me. And mousse, too! Yum!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
I'm a virgin. You must be gentle. I've been putting this off for a while. I don't know why, exactly. It's a commitment, at least it seems like it is, & I fear those. But I'm certainly not up to sending individual, personalized e-mails to everyone I know who might be interested in this stuff, so this is better, I guess. I've got a lot of stuff to share. From now & before. This is gonna be kinda jumbled & totally non-linear at least for a while. I hope it's not gonna be too tedious, for you, gentle reader, nor for me, your humble servant. I don't know why I'm finally starting this now. Not because it's almost Christmas. I hate Christmas, but we won't get into that just now. So this is our shop, well, it's the store in front; The Roswell Space Center, where we sell Roswell T-shirts & alien tchotchkes. Inside is the Roswell Spacewalk, our roadside attraction (it's a walk-through blacklight trip through time & space art installation, more on that later).
Our sign shop; Signs Of Life [in Roswell] is in the back, & upstairs way in the back is my studio/workspace/hideout place. That's where I'm doing this. Where I do my magic, such as it is. That's our sign from the place we were at before, 1 mile west of here. It's 4x16 feet & weighs about a half a ton & is currently up on the roof facing the sky. Soon it will be hanging over the roll-up door. That will be better.
Change of Venue Here's our new (to us) house that we're still moving into. It's in town. We were out in the sticks before. It's nice, a good location for having to show up for work at a shop 'downtown' every day. It's not nearly large enough to hold all of our stuff, which is a bit of a problem. We have a lot of stuff.