Well, it was.
He would be 128.
Oh, I was on TV today. On the news! No, I wasn't arrested.
The guy from KBIM TV Channel 10 here in Roswell came in the store this afternoon to interview me about the Roswell Spacewalk which is our little roadside attraction. It's a walk-through blacklight installation that takes you back in time (dioramas of the Roswell Incident) & then to the future where you find yourself on a spaceship, looking through the portholes at spinning galaxies, planets, satellites & flying saucers, all in perception-altering Lumiere Noir (blacklight).
Sharon & I have built this thing out of mostly scrounged materials, set it up, taken it apart, hauled it somewhere else & rebuilt it about five times since 1999. This is the abridged version.
People come from all over the world to Roswell. Because it's Roswell, man! And they want to see something Roswell. So they go to the International UFO Museum and Research Center that's in what used to be the downtown movie theater, the Plains; & that's okay, but they take themselves seriously there, so it's not very entertaining, & after that, there's nothing to do but buy more T shirts. So we humbly offer this little attraction to give visitors something that's uniquely Roswell, as we try to sell them more T shirts & tchottchkes. I guess you could call it folk art. People mostly seem to get a kick out of it.
So the guy, I totally forget his name, did a little puff piece about it. Turns out he's the anchor guy, but it was just him & his camera, he was the whole crew.

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